just got back from x gig in ipow yesterday..frankly speaking i was only looking forward in seeing 2 bands which are Muck and Bunkface
new kot in the scene
never heard b4 but now dah mainstream (maaf..dah lame tak folo under scene >.<)
herm..arrived there quite late..just able to see bunkface..muck dah lepas :(
after bunkface..no poin in hangin around in dat crowded place..kelua laaa!
sitting outside..hearing the rest of the bands played...
..i cant tell the difference between one band from another..they all sound alike
it got me thinkin....
.....do they really deserve the support that we give em???
why should they?? its only like supporting a single band..they all sound a like dah pon..mebi the only diff is in the lyrics and their meaning but heck, who even hears the lyrics closely when hearing a song for the 1st time?? c'mon guyz you're basically just supporting a single band..but with lots of album to be bought at the same time (kalau beli pon la)
do they really deserve our support? aku denga lagu2 derang takde diff pon from apart of each other..ni kan nak improvement?? please a
sayin dis..i'm not referring to all malaysian bands..there's tons of malaysians dat can produce music dats really ready for international level..buatpe derang nak tunggu korang sapot..korang kat mesia je..the whole world's waiting for them..lu pikir la sendiri..just listen the pattern of music thats currently hype rite now..semua bunyik lebih kurang je laaa..we're just wasting our time supporting them when we should be proud with our bands that can produce their own music..the rest of the world can appreciate them
just to name a few, we've got pop shuvit, big hit in japan..kalau korang taknak sapot takesah la..but their music is something..proven!
dragon red, i guess i've written bout them below..recently i browsed through a metal music blog..and among all of the otai accross the globe..there's our dragon red! hail them~ keep up guys!
oag?butterfingers?? their music was also not accepted at first coz they're not with the flow of music at dat time..so what?? they create their own flow and someone accepted it and now...you're all accepting them!!
c'mon..aku tgk skang ni ramai stok nak tunjok jiwa music la..ape la..BAJET LEBIH LA WEYH!! layan lagu sepesen ikot trend pastu nak batak..boooo u! band2 underground BERSEPAH lagi bes dari yg kelua kat radio tu
seriously speaking..THEY are the ones that's worth supporting
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6 months ago
teng,apdet blog plisss..hehe..
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