Friday, January 22, 2010

fedora yum with proxy

as stated in my previous post, i'm using a limited connection. yeah it sucks but recently it became suckier (lol). the it department that handles the internet connection decided to close port 443 for default internet connection. n they ask us to use proxy for internet use.

with port 443 blocked, i couldn't yum install anything. at first i downloaded any required packages manually. but when i have to download every dependency manually, it really starts to bother me. so i searched on how to yum using proxy

my googling result leads me here

...which really makes me feel disappointed at myself for not googling this prob 1st. the workaround for my problem was just to edit /etc/yum.conf and add proxy=http://(proxy server address)

and just like that my problem was solved.

*sigh* T_T

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

foolish deface

taken from

ok, korang nak tunjok pawa, leh deface, fine. but please, we as muslims do not attack others without immediate attack on us. yeah there's war on muslims everywhere, but we NEVER declare war on others, let alone claiming to kill other people regardless of their religion. to think kelantan people have strong sense of religion, you should know this better then, right?

pls dont ever bring bad name to us mulims, bace balik definition agama kita. :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

split and join files on MAC

on mac, there's split command - to split large files into smaller chunks. and why do i even want to split my files into smaller pieces you say? take my situation for example, i want to download a large file using a quite limited internet connection, so i split the file into smaller pieces to ease my download process. well you never know the reasons you might use this command but for me its quite handy :D

well for my situation, i'm downloading a 1.65 gb file and would like to split it into 10mb pieces. i open up a shell and just cd into the file's directory and
$ split -b10m filename
where split is the program, -b is to specify the size of the pieces (i'm using 10m to specify it to split into 10mb) and filename is the name of the filename that you want to split
after executing the commands, you will get lots of 10mb files with names starting with 'x' and followed by 'aa', 'ab', 'ac' and so on. it would look more like 'xaa' 'xab' 'xac' 'xad'. each file will have a maximum of 10mb size

so when i have finished downloading all the files, and i want to combine back all the pieces into its original file, i just simply use the cat command
$ cat x* > filename
after executing the command, i get my original file and a quick md5sum tells me that the file is not corrupted at all :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fedora 12 remove VMware-Player 3.0

finally i'm on fedora again and after quite some time of leaving the blog alone, i have decided to post on how to remove vmware player 3.0 on fedora 12 (gave me quite the trouble)

VMware-Player 3.0 installer from their website comes with a .bundle file as an installer for linux distros, a simple chmod +x file.bundle and sudo ./file.bundle will install

well, in my situation, installation process is messed up thanx to selinux (grr) so i decided to remove the package itself, at first i tried sudo yum remove VMware-Player as that was the command to remove vmware player 2.5.2 but 3.0 does not remove that way

i tried running the .bundle file again..but sadly it just displays that vmware is installed properly

after some time googling, i nearly gave up.

trying my luck, i looked around vmware's command and there's a vmware-uninstall command (damn)

when i run the command.

$ sudo vmware-uninstall
You have gotten this message because you are either downgrading VMware
Workstation, Player, or VIX, or because you attempted to run either
vmware-uninstall or vmware-uninstall-vix.

If you are downgrading, please uninstall all newer versions first, then
install again.

The vmware-uninstall* scripts have been deprecated. Instead, please use
the vmware-installer.

Long form:
vmware-installer --uninstall-product PRODUCT
Short form:
vmware-installer -u PRODUCT

Where PRODUCT is one of vmware-workstation, vmware-player, or vmware-vix.

For a list of which products are installed, you may run:
vmware-installer --list-products
vmware-installer -l

so..i removed vmware-player by using sudo vmware-installer --uninstall-product vmware-player

...yeah, just as simple as that.. *sigh*

note to self : do disable selinux using easylife package before trying to install vmware again